Friday, October 1, 2010

Settling into Autumn

I've been saying for the past month I'm not ready for this. I'm not ready for fall. I don't want the colder weather or naked trees or shorter days. But then something happened today. I was walking through whole foods with my uberly adorable little man (who is the BEST little boy in the world when he is not teething and cranky) and I walked past a display and smelled fall spices. The cinnamon and nutmeg reset my brain, and suddenly I am excited for fall. I am excited to bake pumpkin pie. I am excited for the holidays and the beauty of the changing trees. I'm especially excited for apples to be in season again. It's hard for me to admit that I'm ok leaving summer behind now because I love it so much, but I am. I'll still anticipate it's return next year, but for now I'm beginning to welcome autumn with open arms. The door is still shut tight on old man winter, though!

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