Mostly what is on my mind is about friends and friendship. I know a couple of people that I did consider friends......but I don't know if I still do or not. They both live fairly close and I think I get along well with both of them, but I haven't seen or talked to either one of them in.....well I can't even remember how long ago. I'm conflicted about it because I have TRIED to get ahold of them and get together with or talk to them. I know everyone has a busy schedule and blah blah blah but I thought you made time for your friends. At least that is what I do......even if it is just a text message or email to say I am thinking of you. I have called and left messages on their phones and messaged them on the internet and have gotten bupkis in return.
In all honesty it pisses me off a little. It really makes me feel like they are not interested in being my friend. I feel like I have waisted my time trying like hell to make time for them when it is all one sided and they just want to be nice to me but don't really want to be my friend.
Ok so it sounds a little like a poor pity me I guess but it just hurts thinking that somebody is your friend and then finding out they are not. It's not quite as bad, but it's still like losing somebody you love. But I guess I just have to let it go and move on. I will be thankful for the good friends I know I do have in my life and realize that I have always felt that having a couple of really great friends is better than having a bunch of mediocre ones. So, if you are one of those friends and happen to read this.....Thank you for being a good friend :o)