Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I just realized I only have 1 follower on my blog. I know I don't write very often anyway but it really makes me think "why the hell am I even doing this"? I guess I have that same question for a lot of things in my life. Maybe I'm just feeling very lonely today, but it seems to me like the only people who care about me in my life (besides my immediate family) are people I pay to care. My doctor and my shrink. I mean hell I know I don't need a ton of people in my life to be happy, but in all honesty I think I have one friend that really cares and spends the time to make our friendship work. ONE. One person that I am not related to that really feels like being around me. I have never been the type of person that wants a lot of friends and I value what I have but I guess what I have right now just feels really damn lonely to me.



erin said...

:( I'm sorry you're feeling that way (I am too by the way, 3-month depression streak and going). I didn't know you have a blog. Can I follow it too? I need to catch up on mine. Not that it's riveting for anyone, but it's documentation and catharsis for me.

Theresa Carlson said...

Of course you can follow it. I'm not sure what I need to do to make that happen so if I need to do anything let me know