Thursday, December 18, 2008

Entry #1

I decided that diaryland wasn't for me anymore. I had to move on. 

Right now I am sitting in the kitchen with my cousin watching my son try to wake up and smelling the 5 dozen oatmeal chocolate chip cookies I just made. I'm tired today so I really don't have a specific topic to write about which kind of pisses me off because when I'm not blogging I think of all of this good stuff I have opinions on and then I get in front of the computer and I'm drawing a complete blank. 

My goal is to try to blog at least 3 times a week and try to get some of the shit off of my chest that I think about at odd times. But for a first entry I guess this will have to do because my son is waking up and I need to package up cookies. 

1 comment:

A New Leaf said...

Ah! Congrats on the move! I really like it here. :)