Saturday, January 3, 2009

What ever happened to courtesy?

So, this year I decided to try doing a kid party for Riley for her birthday. I was so excited and I invited all of the kids in her funtime class. I was a little bummed I didn't have the time to make her cake this year but I got over it and just ordered a cake for her and looked forward to the party. Riley was sooooooo excited to get to have her Mickey Mouse party. As time went by and we started counting down the days to her party, I only had confirmation that one kid was coming. I was a little bummed, but I knew that others could still show and even if it was only one Riley would have fun. 
So finally today came and I started thinking about it and got REALLY nervous that nobody was going to show up. As 2pm came and went I was afraid that even the one kid that was supposed to come wouldn't show up. I knew we could get other people to come over and Riley would probably never know the difference, but my heart was breaking for that little girl sitting there on the couch thinking of that scenario. I think it hit me so hard because I was always kind of in the same situation as a kid, I didn't have many friends and even though it never happened, I could see myself getting stood up on my birthday.
But anyways the kid ended up showing up and he and Riley did end up being the only two. They had fun though, and Riley was just happy to have her Mickey Mouse party. 

After the party ended I found myself a little pissed of. I was pissed off at the fact that out of the 8 or so children we invited, I only got 2 RSVP's. And this happens to me every year, so you would think I should expect it by now. It really irritates me though. I mean come on people. Even if you're not going to come at least have the common decency to call and say so!! How hard is it to pick up the phone!! It just boils my blood sometimes!!

Then that got me thinking about the mothers of the children that I invited. These people are the reason I'm a lonely stay at home mom. Because I don't want to be friends with a bunch of stuck up bitches who think they are better than everyone else because they are able to stay home with their children. It's so damn irritating. I even tried to be social with them. I've stayed and tried to talk to some of them when Riley is in her class. Every time I would try to jump in on a conversation or start one all I got was short, I have to be polite, type answers. I don't think it helps either that they are all at least 7-10 years older than me so I have NOTHING in common with any of them anyways. I wish sometimes I had more friends I could talk to on a regular basis during the days, but I don't want to be friends with people like that. 

Anyways it's late now and I'm going to go to bed and just be glad that my little girl had a good day and just finds it awesome that she had her mickey mouse party.


1 comment:

A New Leaf said...

Okay, so I don't have kids, but if I was there, I totally would have jumped in the party with Riley and pretended to be a three-year-old with her. I love you!!